At peace with where you are...

I recently found myself lost in thought after reading a job posting. Now don't freak out it's not something I would ever do, nor am qualified to do, hell it's not something I even WANT to do. (Move to Dubai and work with racehorses) But, I found myself thinking things like "if I was younger", "If I was single", "If I was..." and while my husband would absolutely sell everything and follow me anywhere in the world, this I know without question - it honestly surprised me. 

I can honestly say have never ever questioned myself like that, I have never felt that I couldn't do whatever I wanted to do, hell everyone knows I tend to do things a little differently. The more I continued to think about it I couldn't help but get a bit sad, I think I just officially said goodbye to my young adulthood. I am no longer in a "pickup and leave" place in life.

But then, after a bit more introspection,  this feeling of overwhelming peace came over me.  I knew without questions that at this exact moment, I am right where I need to be. It's not because I am afraid, it's not because I am settling, it's not because I am living in my comfort zone, its because I have created the life that I want. 

We get so caught up in the whats new, whats next that I think we often forget to enjoy and be present at the current moment. My hope for you is that you take a minute today and just be thankful for where you are right now, even if it's not your end goal, even if it's not your today goal, you got here - right now, you got to here. 

If you think I've totally lost it and all you can think of is the gazillion things you need to do "make it" (hell, even the gazillion things you need to do just to get through today) I've put together a list of a few things that you can quickly do to center yourself and be at peace where you are right now. 

  1. Connect - shoot a text, call just to say I love you, hold someone's hand if you can - even if just for a moment

  2. Write a "done" list - include all the badass things you've already done today

  3. Send some love - write (yes with pen and paper!) your bff a card, or that thankyou note you've been putting off. There is something so calming about handwriting a letter.

  4. Pay it forward - sounds counter-intuitive but for me, giving makes me more thankful for what I already have.

  5. Get off the internet - (...well maybe after you've finished this post...) I truly believe comparison is the thief of joy these days, stop comparing yourself to someone's highlight reel online - be present for yourself, and the peace will follow!